Five Reasons Why Magento 2 is Better Than Magento
5 Reasons Why Magento 2 is Better Than Magento
After the official release of Magento 2, you might be wondering if this software is significantly better than Magento and if it is worth the upgrade. The truth is that Magento 2 offers a considerable number of advantages that will make it a better choice for your business.
Here are some of the main reasons to upgrade:
1. Better Performance
Magento 2 features improved performance, faster speed and larger scalability compared to Magento. This means that you will have 50% faster loading time in your catalog as well as your check out pages, which will improve the shopping experience for your customers. It will also support more than 2 million page views and 250,000 orders per hour. This is great news if you have a very large e-commerce website and you need to be able to support a lot of traffic.
2. Improved Support
Since Magento 2 is new software it receives a lot more support, so you will be sure to get attention when you have a problem. If at any time you struggle with issues, you can contact customer support and let them know the details of your problem so that you can deal with it as quickly as possible.
3. You Can Separate Your Databases
One of the major advantages of Magento 2 is that you are able to separate your databases. You will be able to have one MySQL database that is responsible for serving all of the content pages, category pages and product pages. Then you can separate this out to have the checkout process use a totally different database. This will allow you to have better performance and it will ensure that people trying to check out are not slowed down by the people browsing. For large sites, this makes a big difference.
4. Quality Extensions
When it comes to Magento 2, the changes allow developers to write better quality code. This means that the marketplace will be reorganised and monitored by Magento itself, ensuring that the quality standard of the code is very high. This means that you won’t have to worry about distrustful modules any more.
5. Easier to Upgrade
Upgrading Magento 2 software is much easier than in Magento. This means that you will find it much easier to upgrade compatibility and add new extensions. The upgrade process being easier means that you will enjoy easier upgrades and less costs.
These are just a few of the reasons why Magento 2 is much better than Magento. If you want to enjoy the benefits of this new and improved system, make sure that you upgrade today.