Our Approach

ACTUATE, [ak’ tew-ate], Transitive verb.
To cause to act, influence, incite to action, motivate.

We’re on a mission, and our name, Actuate Digital, expresses just that! We’re here to engage, motivate, and inspire your customers; driving them step-by-step towards your online checkout through visually striking, highly functional, Shopify, Adobe Commerce and Magento website design.

Actuate Digital has helped the us improve the site’s UX and increase our conversion rate. Their team leverages their expertise to provide sound opinions and advice to guide the project in the right direction. They also always offer on-hand support and communicate via email and meetings.

Daniel Wright, Acquisition & Retention Manager, Reliant

The discovery session with Mat, Jess and Steve was very informative. We managed to establish where we are heading, what are the next steps and how to go about them.

Working with Actuate is a pleasure — they are really trying to help, they listen and offer solutions to solve the problems. Thanks for all your help so far.

Rafael Bielinski, Buller Ltd

Without Actuate’s help and support, our original website wouldn’t have succeeded. Time was of the essence, and Actuate stepped in to deliver a swift turnaround. The new site has performed exceptionally well ever since.

We continue to grow thanks to Actuate. ❤️ Thanks guys!”

Chantelle Telford – Robinsons of Bawtry

We Are Driven by One Thing – Your Conversion Rate Optimisation.

Supercharging your site’s performance and functionality, we create custom, conversion-driven sites. (In fact, We’re not just driven by conversion, we are a little obsessed with it, truth be told) Designed to enhance user engagement and optimise the customer journey, we help you smash your sales targets and your business growth goals.

Motivated by Your Success. (Not ours).

We get a real kick out of seeing your business grow beyond your wildest dreams. (It makes us feel pretty fantastic, too). As your tenacious eCommerce development team, we’re focused on one thing – supercharging your site so it produces sale after sale. After all, we are only successful, if you are.

Motivated by your eCommerce Sucess

Award-winning eCommerce

We Consistently Produce Nice Problems to Have…

…you know, those specific challenges that come from long-term, sustainable business growth.

Here’s what we mean…

Your brand is building, and fast – your site is seeing a lot of visitors, people love your products; great stuff! Although, that over-performing site will need to expand its traffic capacity to make sure your customer experience remains flawless.

Your sales are exploding as a result of that swanky new user interface; your conversions have shot through the roof, (Amazing!) But you’re going to need new product suppliers, new warehouse space and increased logistics resources to meet demand…

Chat with Our eCommerce Specialists, Today

Unlock your next nice eCommerce problems to have

B2C. B2B or D2C – We’ve Got You Covered.

Our team of experts have extensive experience within the home, garden and lifestyle sectors.
That said, we work with all types of businesses, in all types of industries, from start-ups to large national, multi-site enterprises.

Whether you’re a manufacturer selling online to your distributors, your customers buy from a third party or you’re a producer selling directly to your consumers, your choice of eCommerce platform can make all the difference.

So, let’s make sure you’re on the best platform to get those sales of yours soaring.

Recent Successes.

View Our Work

Industry-leading Partnerships 
That creates ground-breaking eCommerce Stores.

Ready for your next nice problem?

The best way to find out whether an eCommerce conversion rate optimisation agency is right for you is to meet face-to-face and chat. We love meeting new people and we like to think we’re a friendly bunch.

You might not know why your conversion rate has suddenly plummeted like a stone or why your site is stagnating. Equally, you might know exactly what’s up, but you just need someone to roll up their sleeves and fix it. Either way – you are in the right place… Come and say hi.

Book Your Free Consultation, Today

Lets Talk.