Announcing Magento Enterprise Cloud Edition


16th August 2016 2 minute read

Announcing Magento Enterprise Cloud Edition

Magento Enterprise Cloud Edition

This year, Magento have made a new addition to their roster: alongside their open-source Community Edition, and their premium Enterprise Edition, we now find their cloud-based Enterprise Cloud Edition. This new version of the platform offers retailers a host of new functions, which stem from its cloud-based nature. Let’s explore some of them.

The cloudier, the better

Traditionally, retailers have had to host their own content by either leasing servers, or by investing in their own. Through a cloud-based approach, Magento have simplified things – allowing retailers to establish and maintain their stores far more easily, with a package that includes both store management software and cloud-based hosting.

The platform is highly scalable, easily controlled, and can be bought for a single fee. You’ll have access to increased capacity at peak times – but you won’t have capacity going to waste when it’s not required.

Less to worry about

The Cloud edition of Magento is built upon the Amazon Web Service’s Cloud infrastructure. This removes the need for merchants to worry about the nuts and bolts of their organisation. Things like managing traffic and hosting sites across national boundaries are dispensed with, allowing merchants to concentrate on what they’re good at: selling.

The Cloud Edition works in conjunction with a number of partner services, which combine to create a cohesive and seamless whole. For example, is a highly automated hosting platform which allows retailers to make changes to small parts of their sites without worrying that  the rest might be effected. New Relic and Blackfire also provide retailers with powerful tools in monitoring and analysing their performance, which in turn helps them to make targeted improvements. You’ll get CSN and DDoS protection courtesy of Fastly, ensuring that your business is protected against nefarious attacks.

New beginnings

Magento’s new approach combines scalability and ease of deployment with the flexibility and ease of customisation that Magento is known for. With the advent of their new ‘Magento Marketplace’ replacement for the ailing Connect marketplace, and the launch of Magento 2, we’re beginning to see more quality control in the marketplace, which indicates that the company is listening to its critics.

With eCommerce platforms (and indeed, computing in general) moving to a cloud-based approach, and experiencing all the benefits yielded by such an approach, retailers can look forward to delivering better experiences to their customers than ever before.

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